REALMAN Adventure Day
REALMAN Adventure Day
A half-day event where fathers and sons can experience REALMAN and find out how to start a REALMAN group in their church or community.
This half day of adventure for fathers and sons will feature hands on experience in carpentry, fishing, target shooting at the BB/pellet gun range, and more. Boys will have a chance to create something to give mom for Mother’s Day. Dads will also have a chance to sit together and hear the vision and long term benefits for joining a REALMAN group. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
Date: Saturday, May 13
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Location: 106 Four Meadows Lane , Greer, SC 29650
Age Range: Sons from age 5-12
Cost: No cost for registration.
Capacity: 20 fathers (not including sons)